Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences Worksheets. Creating sentences with a variety of structures is key to writing that flows smoothly. These simple, compound, and complex sentences worksheets introduce students to each sentence type, with plenty of opportunities to practice writing their own. Sentence structure worksheets on classifying sentences as simple, compound or complex. A simple sentence has one complete thought. A compound sentence has two complete thoughts joined by a comma and conjunction. A complex sentence has one complete thought plus a dependent clause. Understanding the differences between the three helps students avoid common grammatical errors.

Complex sentences are made up of two clauses—an independent clause and a dependent clause.

Independent clauses are similar to simple sentences. They can stand alone and function as a sentence:

  • We didn't pass the test.
  • Angela won the competition.

Dependent clauses, however, need to be used together with an independent clause. Here are some dependent clauses with independent clauses. Notice how they seem incomplete:

  • Although he is ready.
  • When it is done.

Independent clauses are combined with dependent clauses to make sense.

  • We'll go to the bank because we need some money.
  • As soon as we land, I'll give you a call.

Notice that dependent clauses can come first. In this case, we use a comma.

  • Before she comes, we'll eat some lunch.
  • Because he's late for work, he took a taxi.

Writing Complex Sentences Using Subordinating Conjunctions

Complex sentences are written by using subordinating conjunctions to connect the two clauses.

Showing Opposition or Unexpected Results

Use these three subordinating conjunctions to show that there is a pro and con or to contrast statements.

although / even though / though

  • Although I felt he was wrong, I decided to trust him.
  • Sharon started looking for a new job even though she was currently employed.
  • Though I couldn't understand a word, we had a great time!

Showing Cause and Effect

To give reasons use these conjunctions that keep the same meaning.

because / since / as

  • Since you need some help, I'll come over this afternoon.
  • Henry felt he needed to take some time off because he had been working so hard.
  • The parents paid for extra lessons as the children were very gifted.

Expressing Time

There are a number of subordinating conjunctions that express time. Note that the simple tense (present simple or past simple) is generally used in dependent clauses beginning with time subordinators.

when / as soon as / before / after / by

  • By the time you get this letter, I will have left for New York.
  • I used to play a lot of tennis when I was a teenager.
  • We had a wonderful dinner after she had arrived.

Expressing Conditions

Use these subordinators to express that something depends on a condition.

if / unless / in the case that

  • If I were you, I would take my time with that project.
  • They won't come next week unless you ask them to do so.
  • In the case that he isn't available, we'll look for another consultant.

Complex Sentence Worksheets

Provide a fitting subordinator to fill the gaps in these sentences.

  1. I'm going to the bank _______ I need some money.
  2. I made lunch _________ I got home.
  3. ________ it's raining, she's going for a walk in the park.
  4. ________ she finishes her homework soon, she will fail the class.
  5. He decided to trust Tim ______ he was an honest man.
  6. _______ we went to school, she decided to investigate the situation.
  7. Jennifer decided to leave Tom _______ he was too worried about his job.
  8. Dennis bought a new jacket __________ he had received one as a gift last week.
  9. Brandley claims that there will be trouble _____ he doesn't complete the job.
  10. Janice will have finished the report ____ the time you receive the letter.


  1. because / since / as
  2. after / when / as soon as
  3. although / even though / though
  4. unless
  5. because / since / as
  6. before / when
  7. because / since / as
  8. although / even though / though
  9. if / in the case that
  10. by

Use subordinating conjunctions (though, if, when, because, etc.) to connect the sentences into one complex sentence.

  1. Henry needs to learn English. I will teach him.
  2. It was raining outside. We went for a walk.
  3. Jenny needs to ask me. I will buy it for her.
  4. Yvonne played golf extremely well. She was very young.
  5. Franklin wants to get a new job. He is preparing for job interviews.
  6. I'm writing a letter, and I'm leaving. You will find it tomorrow.
  7. Marvin thinks he will buy the house. He just wants to know what his wife thinks.
  8. Cindy and David had breakfast. They left for work.
  9. I really enjoyed the concert. The music was too loud.
  10. Alexander has been working sixty hours a week. There is an important presentation next week.
  11. I usually work out at the gym early in the morning. I leave for work at eight a.m.
  12. The car was extremely expensive. Bob didn't have much money. He bought the car.
  13. Dean sometimes goes to the cinema. He enjoys going with his friend Doug. Doug visits once a month.
  14. I prefer to watch TV by streaming over the internet. It allows me to watch what I want when I want.
  15. Sometimes it happens that we have a lot of rain. I put the chairs on the patio in the garage when we have rain.

There are other variations that are possible than those provided in the answers. Ask your teacher for other ways to connect these to write complex sentences.

  1. As Henry needs to learn English, I will teach him.
  2. We went for a walk even though it was raining.
  3. If Jenny asks me, I will buy it for her.
  4. Yvonne played golf extremely well when she was young.
  5. Because Franklin wants to get a new job, he is preparing for job interviews.
  6. I'm writing you this letter which you will find after I leave.
  7. Unless his wife doesn't like the house, Marvin will buy it.
  8. After Cindy and David had eaten breakfast, they left for work.
  9. I really enjoyed the concert although the music was too loud.
  10. As Alexander has an important presentation next week, he has been working sixty hours a week.
  11. I usually work out at the gym before I leave for work at eight.
  12. Though Bob didn't have much money, he bought the extremely expensive car.
  13. If Doug visits, they go to the cinema.
  14. Since it allows me to watch what I want when I want, I prefer to watch TV by streaming over the internet.
  15. If it rains a lot, I put the chairs on the patio in the garage.

There are three types of sentences in English: Simple, compound and complex sentences. This worksheet focuses on writing compound-complex sentences and is ideal for advanced level classes. Teachers can feel free to print out this page to use in class.

Understanding Compound-Complex Sentences

Compound-complex sentences are sentences that contain two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. They are more complicated than compound sentences or complex sentences as they combine the two styles. Learning to write compound-complex sentences is an advanced level English learning task. Make sure you understand both compound and complex sentences before you begin to study the compound-complex sentences.

Coordinating Conjunctions

Compound sentences use coordinating conjunctions also known as FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to connect two simple sentences. Remember to place a comma before the coordinating conjunction. Here are two compound sentences as examples to review.

Simple Compound Complex Sentences Worksheet For Grade 6 Pdf

I would like to read the book, but it's not available.
Janet is going to visit her grandparents, and she's going to a meeting.

Complex Sentences Adverb Clauses

Complex sentences combine one dependent and one independent clause through the use of subordinating conjunctions such as because, though, as, while, if, etc these are also known as dependent adverb clauses. Here are two complex sentences as examples to review. Notice how the two sentences are similar in meaning to the two compound sentences.

Lexmark printer drivers for windows 7. Though it's not available, I'd like to read the book.
Janet is going to a meeting after she has visited her grandparents.

Remember that the dependent clause can be placed at the beginning or the end of the sentence. When placing the dependent clause at the beginning of the sentence, use a comma.

Compound And Complex Sentences Worksheet Pdf

Complex Sentences Using Relative Clauses

Complex sentences also use relative clauses using relative pronouns (who, which, that, etc.) as the independent clause to modify a noun or noun phrase. Relative clauses are also known as dependent adjective clauses.

I would like to read the book which was written by John Handy.
Jane is going to visit her grandparents who live in Boston.

Combining the Two

Most compound-complex sentences contain coordinating conjunction and an adverb or relative clause. Here are examples combining the previous sentences to write compound-complex sentences.

I would like to read the book which was written by John Handy, but it's not available.
Jane is going to a meeting after she has visited her grandparents who live in Boston.

Compound-Complex Sentence Worksheet

Combine the sentences to make one compound-complex sentence.

  • Susan teaches the kids who live in the neighborhood. They meet in the evenings after she comes home from work.
  • The doctor wants to prescribe physical therapy, and he asked me to see a specialist. He recommended Dr. Smith.
  • Anthony told us about the assembly of the products. Unfortunately, he didn't tell us about where they were made.
  • We managed to finish the exercise on time and passed the exam. However, it was very difficult.
  • The man spoke little English. Mary understood him, but couldn't help.
  • We didn't have much time, so we didn't read the final chapter. However, we still enjoyed the book.
  • We will miss our father greatly. He taught us many lessons. Those lessons have helped us succeed in life.
  • The eagles attract many tourists. They live in the local mountain range. Unfortunately, the politicians still refuse to protect them.
  • We finished our work early, so we decided to go out for a drink. We went to Allan's Pub.
  • The students who attended the university went on strike. They protested the tuition hikes.
  • Sandy wanted to ask her uncle questions about his experiences. Her uncle fought in WW II.
  • The boys refused to ask the teacher any questions. They failed the exam.
  • I don't like the food. The staff prepares the food. I also do not like their unfriendly attitude.
  • Sheila loves red. The Mustang is red, but she might wait a few months.
  • He can join us if he asks the man who invited us to the party. He can also stay home.


Simple Compound Complex Sentences Quiz Pdf

There are other variations that are possible than those provided in the answers. Ask your teacher for other ways to connect these to write complex sentences.

  • Susan teaches the kids who live in the neighborhood in the evenings after she comes home from work.
  • The doctor wants to prescribe physical therapy, and he wants me to see Dr. Smith whom he recommended.
  • Anthony instructed us on how the products are assembled, but he failed to tell us where they were made.
  • Although the exercise was difficult, we managed to finish it on time, so we passed the exam.
  • Mary understood the man who spoke little English, but she was unable to help him.
  • Because we had limited time, we didn't read the final chapter, yet we still enjoyed the book.
  • Our father taught us many lessons which helped us succeed in life, and we will miss him greatly.
  • The eagles which live in the local mountain range attract many tourists, but the local politicians still refuse to protect them.
  • As we had finished our work early, we decided to go out for a drink, so we went to Allan's Pub.
  • The students who attended the university went on strike, for they protested the tuition hikes.
  • Sandy never met her uncle who had fought in WW II, yet she wanted to ask him about his experiences.
  • The boys refused to ask the teacher who had instructed them any questions, so they failed the exam.
  • I don't enjoy the food which is prepared by the staff, nor do I appreciate their unfriendly attitude.
  • As she loves red, Sheila wants to buy the Mustang, or she wants to wait for a few months.
  • If he wants to join us, he needs to ask the man who invited us to the party, or he can stay home.