Active3 years, 7 months ago

Feb 17, 2018  remote procedure call failed and did not execute windows 7 explorer remote procedure call failed windows 10 login, remote procedure call failed and did not execute explorer.exe, remote procedure. // MessageId: RPCSCALLFAILED // // MessageText: // // The remote procedure call failed. // #define RPCSCALLFAILED 1726L Interop with Office programs like Outlook happens through out-of-process COM. RPC is the low-level Remote Procedure Call mechanism. There are several reasons for such a remote call to fail. “The remote procedure call failed and did not execute” message is an error which is related to the Remote Procedure Call (RPC). Usually, this protocol helps the specific program to request service from another software which is not located on the same computer. Furthermore, experts note that RPC manages DCOM and COM servers. Today I wanted to go into My Computer to look at something and I got a message that the Remote Procedure Call Failed and Did Not Execute. I had no idea what that meant so I googled a bit. I then went to Start, typed run, went to services. It was showing as automatic and started. The Remote Procedure Call Locater was showing as manual. In the long list of services, locate Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service and double-click it. In the new window, check Service status. It should be set to Automatic. In the same manner, locate Remote Procedure Call Locator. It should be set to Manual. Also, DCOM Server Process Launcher and RPC Endpoint Mapper should be set to Automatic. Nov 09, 2015  Windows 10 Remote procedure call failed When i started windows up today I randomly got this message. I'm not sure what it is, however, instead of taking the 15 seconds (conservative estimate) it normally takes for explorer.exe to completely load it took around 2 minutes. The file extensions of pdf and doc seem to work fine. Extensions of.

Some of our users are getting this exception sometimes (not for every contact):

The Remote Procedure Call Failed 1. Press Windows Key + R combination, type put Regedt32.exe in Run dialog box and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.

This happens when we're trying to get the last name of a contact (of the ContactItem type).

Does anybody know what the problem is?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Remote Procedure Call Failed PdfTheVillageIdiot
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3 Answers

It is a Windows error, facility code 7. The last word gives the Windows error, 0x6be 1726:

Interop with Office programs like Outlook happens through out-of-process COM. RPC is the low-level Remote Procedure Call mechanism. There are several reasons for such a remote call to fail. Both the error code and the error name google well.

The simplest explanation is just that Outlook fell over. That happens. The advantage of in-process interop is that when the host program crashes then it will take out your code as well. Not in an out-of-process scenario, you just get a hard to diagnose error. Ask your customer's IT staff to use their typical Office troubleshooting strategies.

Windows vista password reset disk download. Step 1: Download Windows Vista password key free on Any Available Computer. To begin with, free download Windows Vista password key to an available computer instead of the locked one, after downloading, install and run it, then we are ready to create a Vista password reset.

Hans PassantHans Passant
817k114 gold badges1407 silver badges2193 bronze badges

I don't know that this is the answer, but this might get you going in the right direction:

17.4k2 gold badges32 silver badges54 bronze badges

set the full access to Network Services (or identity of apppool) to the folder C:WindowsSystem32configsystemprofileAppData

Regards!Gabriel from Argentina


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Active1 year, 4 months ago

We have a C# application that internally invokes excel. It does so using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll. The application works on most computers with Excel, but not on mine.

Originally, the application was failing with HRESULT 0x800706BE (The remote procedure call failed). I'd tried almost every advice found on the web, but without success. Then I uninstalled my MS Office 2013 Pro, and installed Office 365 v2013. The application still fails on the same line of code, but now with HRESULT 0x80010105 (RPC_E_SERVERFAULT).

Is there any advice you can give to make the excel interop working?My guess is that some Windows service is not started or a DCOM component is not registered. But I don't know which one.


Remote Procedure Call Error

  • Windows 7 x64, MS Office 2013 Pro/365 ProPlus
  • It is a C# application. It is compiled with VS2010 for .NET 4.0, but the problem exhibits even when the app is compiled with VS2012 for .NET 4.5. With use of different versions of Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll.

There are three facts I consider important:

  • The application works on other computers, so it is not the application what is a cause of the problem.
  • The application doesn't work even after re-installation of (a slightly different version of) excel (2013), so it is probably not a problem of excel itself.
  • I used the SysInternals' ProcessMonitor to find out that the application really succeeds in instantiating the excel, and the excel successfully(?) reads the .xlsx file. But then excel fails.

I also used the VS2010 debugger to find out what's going on:

  • This is the core of the code. It fails on the last line in Open:

  • There is nothing relevant in the Windows event log (at the time the app fails).

  • Here are some of the links I found, but there are no suggestions given, or they didn't help: link1, link2,.. (cannot post more than 2 links)

2 Answers

After a long research I succeeded to solve this problem due to this link. Essentially, the problem was caused by a third-party Excel COM plug-in, in my case it was 'FoxitReader PDF Creator COM Add-in'. After disabling it, the problem was gone!

How to disable the plugin: Excel > File > Options > Add-ins > Manage, then choose 'COM add-ins' > Go. And then untick the problematic plugin.


I had the exact same issue as xarx. Suddenly an application I created stopped working on certain PCs. The code it was crashing on was:

Disabling the Foxit Reader add-in immediately fixed the issue.

Remote Procedure Call Restart

Thomas BaileyThomas Bailey

Fix Remote Procedure Call Failed

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