Wondering what you will eat if you sign up for Beachbody’s Ultimate Reset 21 day cleanse Here is our photo journal and evaluation of our week one meals….

Ultimate Reset Week 1: Reclaim

Jul 07, 2018  Body Reset Diet: Rapid Weight Loss in 15 Days. The Body Reset Diet was created by celebrity personal trainer, Harley Pasternak. His list of clients includes many A-list celebrities such as Halle Berry, who he helped prepare for her role in Catwoman. He is also the bestselling author of the book, The 5-Factor Diet. The Ultimate Women's RESET Program BS CSCS CMT CHEK NLC II Metabolic Typing Advisor II. You will see this and other snacks in the snack sections of the meal plan.

During the first week of the Ultimate Reset 21 day cleanse, you will be preparing your body for change. When you order theUltimate Reset, it comes with a step-by-step guide that walks you through how to prepare for the cleanse, what to expect, which of the provided supplements to take when, & what to eat and when to eat it. Plus, easy to follow directions for how to cook everything on the menu.

Here is what the Ultimate Reset program guide says about week 1…. In Phase One, you reclaim your body, accessing its inner chemistry and preparing for change. You’ll slowly remove foods such as red meat and dairy, which are known to place stress on the digestive system, from your diet.

Ultimate Reset Meal Plan Pdf

Considering the cleanse?

You’ll find a lot of great information here at FueltheBodyWell.com. Plus, you can check out our Ultimate Reset Cleanse Page.

Wondering what you’ll eat?

Paleo diet vegetables. Almost all vegetables foods are on the paleo diet as well – but you need to be careful in discerning the difference here. Vegetables with a high starch content – such as potatoes, and squashes - tend to have low nutritional value in comparison to the amount of starches/carbs/sugars they contain. Here is a compilation of all of our free Whole30-related PDF guides. Download only the ones you need, or click on this special Zip file and get them all at once. Save these to your computer, print them for your fridge, and feel free to link to them on your own site or social. How to Meal Prep for Ultimate Reset (Phase Two) In the second week, Phase Two, you’ll continue to refine your diet, and will now be eating completely vegan meals (don’t worry, we made them delicious). This simple meal prep plan will guide you through making your meals for the next five days. The Ultimate Reset by Beachbody is a package of different supplements meant to help someone reset the health of their body. It is meant to restore, recover, and revitalize the way a person is feeling over the course of 21 days.

This first week prepares our bodies for the phase 2 detox and phase 3 repair to set ourselves up for optimal results. Wondering what you will eat during the first week of the Ultimate Reset? Here’s a 2 minute slideshow of all the meals.

Ultimate Reset Day 1

On day one, we were pleasantly surprise by the amount of food the program guide recommended; the cleanses we typically do have been more restrictive. Plus, the food was all delicious.

Day one meals:

Breakfast – 2 free range organic eggs, 2 pieces of whole wheat toast, and a generous portion of spinach with toasted pine nuts

Lunch – a garden medley salad.

Dinner – wild caught salmon with basil, boiled potatoes, steamed asparagus.

Ultimate Reset Day 1 Breakfast

Ultimate Reset Day 1 Lunch

Pros: The meals were filling and delicious. The program guide made it really easy to know which supplements to take and when & what food to make and when to eat it. Plus, it is a fun experience for the whole family. Here we are at the dinner table on the first night of the Ultimate Reset.

Considerations: Make sure if you choose to do the Ultimate Reset 21 day Cleanse, that you plan for the extra time it will take to shop for and prepare these meals. The Ultimate Reset guide is very user friendly and provides all the information you will need to know what to eat, when to eat it, and how to prepare it… but you still need to actually make the food.

Day 1 observation: Having a start and an end time to each meal highlighted for me how often I typically graze. It was interesting to observe that when I felt hungry today, my motor memory would walk me over to the kitchen. (don’t worry, I didn’t eat anything between designated meals, I know you are counting on us to see if the Ultimate Reset works as written).

How often do you have set meal times vs. snacking throughout the day? Whether or not you are planning to do a cleanse, would you be willing to choose a day in the near future (like tomorrow) and wait at least 2 hours between each meal to allow for your digestive tract to process one meal before starting on the next? You don’t need to be in the midst of the 21-day cleanse to give your digestive tract a rest and get into the Digestion Zone.

In addition to our scheduled meals, there is also a protocol of scheduled supplements.

Ultimate Reset Week 1: Morning supplements. Optimize (digestive blend), Oxygenize (stabilized oxygen), Himalayan sea salt. (morning supplements are repeated early afternoon and before dinner)

Ultimate Reset Week 1: Afternoon supplements. Ultimate Reset Week 1. Alkalinize is designed to help maintain alkalinity. It helps neutralize excess acid to support your immune system. (taken once daily during the first week of the Ultimate Reset Cleanse).

Tip: Shake the Alkalinize in an empty pill bottle and drink it like a shot.

Ultimate Reset Week 1. Afternoon supplements.

Order your Ultimate Reset Cleanse by clicking here

Ultimate Reset Day 2

Day two, breakfast was AMAZING! I was awake for a few hours before the designate meal time, and I was hungry, but it was worth the wait.

Day two meals:

Breakfast – homemade steel cut oats with blueberries. Greek yogurt on the side. Raw wildflower honey to sweeten.

Lunch – Greek salad with grilled chicken and homemade dressing. (they give the recipe for the dressing in the Ultimate Reset program guide that comes when you order the Ultimate Reset).

Dinner – generous portion of spinach with toasted pine nuts. Black beans, short grain brown rice, guacamole, onions. Another yummy meal.

Ultimate Reset Day 2 Dinner

Pros: All the meals were yummy. I am feeling happy and well. Plus, I am being introduced to some new meals that we’ll be able to incorporate even after the Ultimate Reset Cleanse is over.

Considerations: Many of the options this first couple of days contain common food allergens (corn, soy, dairy, eggs, wheat). If you have a known food sensitivity, substitute that food for something else in the week 1 menu. If you are interested in reading more about common food sensitivities, this book is an oldie but goodie Dr. Berger’s Immune Power Diet (Signet).

Why is the first week structured like this? Based on what we have read and are observing by doing the Ultimate Reset with a few people that are new to cleansing, the meals in the first week are designed to ease someone into the cleanse so it is a more enjoyable and sustainable 21 day experience. Glad that the company that creates the Ultimate Reset did a 2 year trial before releasing the product to market. If I hadn’t seen the test results, I would be wondering how well eating like this was going to work, but given those results, I am looking forward to seeing what 19 more days of following the plan will bring.

Day 2 observation: I am noticing my body clock has already starting to reset. This morning I woke up at 5am (with an alarm), and right around 9:45pm I was starting to fade. I hope to be in bed by 10:30 tonight. (post script: I ended up going to bed around midnight, but I woke up with no alarm on day 3 at 6am feeling refreshed and ready to start the day.)

To give you an additional perspective about waking up on day 3… day 3 is around the time that the test group was sleeping a little more than usual as their bodies’ were preparing for the change. I am not sure why my experience is different. Perhaps my “extra sleep” time is still to come. Just something to consider as you are planning your 21 days, you may need to build in time for 8-10 hours of sleep around day 2, 3, and/or 4. (post script: I slept for 10 hours on night 5.)

Ultimate Reset Day 3

Hopped out of bed with pep. So far, thumbs up on this detox protocol.

Day three meals:

Breakfast – 2 free range organic eggs, oven-toasted multigrain roll, and a generous portion of spinach with toasted pine nuts

Ultimate Reset Meal Plan Pdf

Lunch – Lentil lime salad with Moroccan spices, Microgreen salad. Homemade dressing.

Dinner- Homemade nori roll with veggies. Leftover micro green salad. Cucumbers. Miso soup.

Ultimate Reset Day 3 Breakfast

Ultimate Reset Day 3 Lunch

Pros: I woke up today before the alarm and popped out of bed with a zest for the day. I feel great and the food has been delicious so far. And, I learned that I can make Nori rolls with veggies pretty quickly and easily.

Considerations: Before you embark on your Ultimate Reset journey (which, so far I would say is completely worth the time), make sure you have the time and patience set aside to spend 60-90 minutes a day in the kitchen cooking and cleaning. (post script: You can listen to a book on CD or an awesome self-development CD while you are cooking. I started doing that, and feel so much better about the time I spend in the kitchen.)

Some people have reported sleeping the same or more in the first week of the Ultimate Reset while their bodies prepare to release toxins, but in our experience, our bodies seem to need less sleep with this Ultimate Reset protocol… so you may find that although you are spending more time in the kitchen, you are sleeping more efficiently so the net time is a wash. If you do find that you are sleeping more, take that as an awesome sign that your body is doing the work it needs to do to eliminate toxins that would have slowed you down in the long run.

Day 3 observation: Carving out the time to eat three meals a day with consciousness, taking the time to chew and focus on the food is more time consuming than I would have guessed. I realized that even though I know to do that, typically I only do that for 1 meal a day. I already loved Shakeology (see here for an article about what Shakeology is and why I love it), but now I have an even greater appreciation of how it makes for an efficient way to fuel the body well.

Order your Ultimate Reset Cleanse by clicking here

Ultimate Reset Day 4

Day four meals:

Breakfast – 2 cups of seasonal fruit, arugula, greek yogurt

Lunch – Nori roll with veggies, leftover lentil lime salad with Moroccan spices. Leftover micro green salad.

Dinner – Stir-fried veggies. Quinoa. Leftover lentil lime salad with Moroccan spices.

Ultimate Reset Day 4 Dinner

Pros: I have gotten to try some new foods. For example, I never heard of Nori Gomasio, and I really enjoyed it. In case you are wondering, Nori Gomasio is a Japanese condiment that is great with rice or veggies; it’s made from sesame seeds, Himalayan salt, and toasted nori seaweed. I have also been reintroduced to toasted pine nuts, which I haven’t eaten in ages and am totally enjoying. And I got to learn that I absolute, positively do not like tempeh.

Day 4 observation: I am starting to get in the groove of not eating between meals and my body is responding really well to the schedule.

Ultimate Reset Day 5

Day five meals:

Breakfast – Homemade organic steel cut oats, walnuts, maple syrup from Vermont, seasonal berries.

Lunch – Quinoa salad (with cucumber, Kalamata olives, and parsley) & raw veggie plate with hummus.

Dinner – Stir-fried veggies, short grain brown rice, and miso soup.

Ultimate Reset Day 5 Breakfast

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Pros: I started listening to a Tony Robbins time management CD while I cook, which makes the time commitment in the kitchen feel more productive….I realized I needed to listen to the time management CD when it dawned on me that one of the reason I graze rather than eat full meals is that I don’t like taking the time to stop what I am doing to eat– interesting insight, thank you Ultimate Reset. Now I get to make healthy meals that nourish my family while I am nourishing my brain. Feeling happy about that addition to the routine.

Ultimate Reset Beachbody

Day 5 observation: Today I woke up at 6am again with no alarm (guess that is my natural set point), but I was feeling a little tired and I had a mild detox headache (I don’t typically get headaches), so I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep until 7. Woke up, had a great elimination, and the day has been great ever since. I am taking it all as a good sign that my body is doing what it is supposed to.

Ultimate Reset Day 6

Slept for 10 hours last night. My body must be getting ready for Phase 2 which begins the day after tomorrow.

Day six meals:

Breakfast – Toasted seed-tastic roll with avocado and arugula plus steamed spinach salted with Himalayan sea salt.

Lunch – Quinoa Salad and Microgreen Salad

Dinner – Roasted root medley. Jewel yam, parsnip, beet, rutabaga, turnip, and a yellow onion. And toasted millet.

Ultimate Reset Day 6 Dinner

Ultimate Reset Day 6 Lunch

Pros: We keep trying new foods (for example, tonight’s root medley and toasted millet). It is cool to expand our family menu and try new things. It’s also extremely cool that the Ultimate Reset kit comes with a cooking DVD as well as all the recipes.

Here’s how the roasted root medley turned out.

Day 6 observation: It was quite amazing to sleep like a rock for 10 hours. I am taking that as a good sign that my body has taken this week to prepare for next week’s Release phase.

Considerations: Today I feel cranky, and not totally myself. This is a natural process as the body begins to detox and release that which no longer serves. But not my favorite.

Order your Ultimate Reset Cleanse by clicking here

Ultimate Reset Day 7

Sleep schedule is back on track and I woke up feeling like myself again. And the other note for the day….While the focus of the Ultimate Reset Cleanse is on clearing out your insides so you can shine from the inside out, one side effect some have experienced has been weight-loss. One of the people in our group lost 2 pounds this week, one stayed neutral, and I lost 1 pound. Interesting observation, we’ll let you know how it plays out over time.

Day seven meals:

Breakfast – Homemade steel cut oats with apples, cinnamon, and maple syrup. Greek yogurt and morning sunshine on the side.

Lunch – Chilled Zucchini-Cashew Soup, Microgreen Salad

Dinner – The Ultimate Reset Program guide recommends Baked Tempeh plus steamed vegetables. Since we already tried tempeh and it wasn’t our favorite (understatement), we went with Nori roll with veggies plus steamed vegetables.

Ultimate Reset Day 7 Dinner

Pros: As we wrap up week one, here are what we consider to be the pros of doing the Ultimate Reset
  • The step-by-step, easy to follow directions
  • All the necessary supplements are provided
  • The cooking instructions for each meal
  • The support that is available with the product
  • Getting to try new foods and new meals
  • Re-training our habits to include eating distinct meals
  • Even though they make it as user-friendly as possible by providing the shopping list, the directions, and a cooking DVD, you still need to carve out the time to make 3 meals a day.
  • Many of the meals contain multiple ingredients, so if you find you have a food sensitivity, it is not possible to zero in on which food your body is reacting to.
  • It is a 21-day investment of time. On the one hand, that is a big time commitment, on the other hand, the potential long term benefits make it worth prioritizing the time needed to do the Ultimate Reset Cleanse. We are looking forward to seeing the results of the remaining 14 days.

Beachbody Ultimate Reset Guide

Thinking about doing the Ultimate Reset?

Check out this article:

Before you buy the Ultimate Reset Cleanse.

For more articles about the Ultimate Reset, check out:

Our Ultimate Reset Cleanse Blog, which includes what you can expect in the detox phase of the Ultimate Reset, a review of the cleanse, and our results from doing the 21-day cleanse.

Ultimate Reset Schedule

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